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  1. Emotional Detox Holistic Body Therapy is an all-natural, instinctive approach by Mal Weeraratne

    February 7, 2022 by admin

    Some might say that we are in unprecedented times as the globe turns hopefully towards healing from the ravages of the last two or so years. Unprecedented because never has everyone across the entire globe been taken siege in the way that we experienced with the Covid-19 pandemic which was able to spread like wild-fire, zig-zagging its way around the world, fuelled by the ability of human beings to move with ease across continents, thanks to technology. While the world has faced world wars, and pandemics, natural disasters, and environmental crisis before, nothing compared to the devastating effects caused by a super-spreading virus, which has caused untold financial and emotional devastation and destroyed families through tragic loss of life. There is not one person who has not in some way been affected by the events of the last years so if you are one of those people who experienced any of the emotional, physical, or spiritual repercussions of the pandemic, Mal Weeraratne has a ground-breaking approach to emotionally detox the body and help you with shedding negativity so that you may look to the future with a new outlook on life.

    Anyone who is not only ready, but in need of releasing negative emotions will benefit from the body-mind healing by Mal Weeraratne who has spent almost all his life working with and helping people to detox from the effects of negative emotions, thoughts and feelings which they carry from a past of sadness, disappointment and fear. Mal Weeraratne, utilises the ancient art –form of Tantric and Taoist bodywork, which he combines with the knowledge and emotional intelligence from the study of Human Sexuality. Mal Weeraratne has assisted thousands of people and couples heal and grow into to health and loved one again after experiencing bad outcomes from previous relationships and events.

    Embracing traditional Indian and Chinese beliefs and practices, Mal Weeraratne has developed his unique style of Tantric-Tao practices, which work with the energy centres of the body, customarily known as the Chakras, to initiate the release of life energy. In both Indian ad Chinese traditions, it is believed that energy flows through all living things and when they are in alignment, these energies facilitate and sustain the body’s natural healing ability. Both philosophies also recognise that sexual energy is the basis of life energy, which is why tantric energy plays such a pivotal role in the healing process. Increased tantric energy is just one of the many benefits recipients of the Tantric practices that Mal Weeraratne shares with singles, couples and healing practitioners in his sessions and workshops, integrating Eastern wisdom with Western knowledge of science.

    Release any negative feelings and experiences that may have been instrumental in creating a future without joy, in which you were not functioning at your very best and replace those negative thoughts and emotions by emotionally detoxing with Tantric Journey. Doing so will create a positive space for new and positive experiences may enter into your world and help you to fulfil your higher purpose.


  2. Lodge Brothers Woking Coroner Office

    February 5, 2022 by admin

    Just as the cost of living increases from year to year, the cost of dying is no different. The SunLife cost of dying report for 2021, an annual sector-leading research paper, which has been providing a comprehensive overview of funeral costs since 2004, shows that the cost of funerals has continued to increase on an annual basis. One positive aspect however is that the increase of funeral-related costs has at least slowed down somewhat over the last 2 years.

    The same report goes on to explain that the average cost of dying in 2021, depending on where in the UK you live, is £8,864 – that is down 4.3% since 2020.

    Funeral costs are rarely included as part of the average family’s annual budget. The Lodge Brothers family of Coroners Woking, offer a variety of cost-effective solutions aimed at assisting families to deal with the costs, which arise when a loved one passes away.

    Lodge Brothers Coroners Langley offer a range of pre-paid for and planned funeral packages, with a suitable budget option for all, all of which are designed to alleviate the inevitable financial and emotional strain which is placed on families when a loved one passes away. What makes the difference is the Lodge Brothers pledge to ensure that there are no hidden extras to surprise you, after all is said and done. Lodge Brothers publishes a full list of all costs attached to funeral planning on their website for full transparency and will provide a detailed quote prior to proceeding with any of the funeral arrangements, so that the families of the deceased know and understand everything that they will be required to pay for.


    In the case of pre-planned arrangements, the deceased has already made most of the tough decisions on behalf of their loved ones. In fact, any person who would like to make their funeral wishes known, can use the complimentary service on the website which is kept on file in the event of their demise, so that when their family choses Lodge Brothers Coroners Westminster, all of the hard decisions are already made ahead of time. Using this service does not commit anyone to a funeral plan with Lodge Brothers – it simply ensures that when you loved ones chose Lodge Brothers for funeral arrangements, the wishes of the deceased shared with the family who can then provide the funeral just as you would have, if you had planned it yourself.

    Besides being able to rely on our 240 years of experience in the business of assisting families with funerals, when loved ones reach out to Lodge Brothers at their time of need, not only are they ensured of having full sight of what has been arranged and the cost of doing so, but they are also guaranteed many additional extra’s, which other Funeral homes will charge for, at no extra cost. Services such as afterhours attendance, arrangements for family viewings at the chapel of rest, delivery of ashes, additional staff or bearers, access to bereavement support and house calls, all come as part of the full service which you can expect to receive from Lodge Brothers across the UK.

  3. Portable Industrial Vacuum Units from IBS

    February 4, 2022 by admin

    IBS are suppliers and distributers of a large variety of premium brands of industrial blowers, vacuums and pumps. This type of Industrial equipment is utilised widely across a broad range of industries because of their specialised function of positively displacing air or water to enable the removal of air or gas molecules from a sealed volume thereby creating a partial vacuum allowing water to flow through in the void which has been created. While this technology may be one of the oldest still in use, the application of this technology across so many various industries is testament to its tried and tested value to many working environments. Pumps can commonly be found in use in food processing, chemical, commercial, medical, petro-chemical and water supply industries and are valuable for being long-lasting and resistant to wear and tear.


    While vacuums and pumps can be said to be the upholders of many an industry, IBS are equally renowned for their value-for-money pump and vacuum solutions ready to ship to your company at any given time, your business will never lose production as a result of lack of functional equipment because of either unplanned or planned maintenance and servicing. Lead times and turn around times are minimized ensuring minimal disruption to production is experienced, regardless of whether in your replacement cycle or within the servicing cycle. Unexpected downtime resulting from unanticipated breakages will be swiftly attended to due to our flexibility to supply and install industrial blowers.

    IBS offers professional services alongside their wide spectrum of products, which are stocked including Portable Industrial Vacuum Units, side channel blowers, liquid ring vacuum pumps, industrial blowers and biogas compressors, along with any and all spares and ancillaries. In addition, companies can source portable vacuum units, which IBS will deliver or which can be collected from the depot companies know where to turn with confidence when in search of the right products. IBS has been selected the sole distributor in the UK for some premium brands, indicating the trust that suppliers have in their expertise and understanding of their products. Industrial blowers are stocked, supplied, repaired and refurnished, so companies know where to turn with confidence when in search of an exceptional quality from a company with an uncompromising reputation for excellence in service.

    As experts in process engineering, IBS can provide your business with everything from initial surveys and reports, to design and implementation for contracts and once-off installations. Providing a full and comprehensive turnkey service project solution custom fit to your business needs and project budget. IBS offers total solutions for projects including storage, silo’s, mechanical, pneumatic and vacuum conveying system process handling. Engineers offer electrical and mechanical plant servicing and refurbishment for existing plants and installation of developing plants.

    Ready to ship to your company at any given time, your business will never lose production as a result of lack of functional equipment because of either unplanned or planned maintenance and servicing.

  4. Dukes of Daisy Female Escorts UK

    February 3, 2022 by admin

    Never before has humankind faced the personal challenges which society has had to embrace and conquer, in the days since 2020. Never before, have communities been so polarised, divided and challenged. Yet never before have we as a species had the opportunity to do greater good than harm. Throughout the world we see examples of where love and kindness prevail over the threat of negativity and sadness. It is our birth right as human beings to experience joy and the best way in which we can experience this, is in relationships with each other. Bonding is a powerful and necessary human emotion, which helps us to be the best versions of ourselves.

    Rent a Friend UK

    Dukes of Daisy has experience this first-hand across the UK and is now helping individuals to reach out and be part of another person’s life, throughout the US. This successful concept is founded on the ability to assist people to engage with each other in a way that is both safe and non-threatening. Professionally managed and hands-on, Dukes of Daisy is not just another dating app. Dukes of Daisy Female Escorts UK is the platform, used by thousands, through which many have found themselves able to meet with like-minded people, where they can engage with non-sexual escorts US of both sexes and of all orientations, be it online or in person. The unique rent a friend service US enables people to connect and enjoy the many benefits of human interaction, in an exciting and personal way.

    Dukes of Daisy Male Escorts UK has evolved with the times and has grown in popularity because of the unique service, which they offer. With a reputation that speaks for itself after years in the industry, there is no doubt that a service such as this will change your life. Anyone who has been a single adult knows that there are challenges to face when trying to enjoy the company of others. Your usual “go to” options such as clubs and pubs might no longer work for you if you are someone who is looking for a person to share good conversation, or perhaps you are someone who is looking for company to take with you to the next dreaded social or family event, so that you don’t have to face Uncle Jim alone, with his many questions about why you are still single, or deal with your siblings asking you when you are going to finally settle down. Change things up and take a non-sexual escort US with you to your next social event so that you can, for once, just relax and have fun, rather than standing on the side-lines watching all the other couples having a good time while you sip your warm prosecco all on your own. This service allows every outing or event to be a fun and enjoyable occasion.

    Non-sexual Dukes of Daisy escorts are professional managed and the terms of the service are set out up-front for both parties to agree that the service does not include “additional extra’s” at any stage during or after the date.

  5. How often should you clean a marquee?

    February 2, 2022 by admin

    How to clean your marquee

    The obvious answer is whenever it needs it so maybe a better question would be how often should you expect to clean a marquee.

    A marquee is far more likely to get dirty when being erected/dismantled rather than when it is actually up. If you’re careful when erecting and especially when dismantling the marquee then you can usually get away with a thorough clean only once or twice a season.

    There are however a few exceptions:

    The dirtiest marquee I have ever had was one that was erected under some trees. When it rained all of the dust and grime was washed off the leaves down on to our lovely marquee. If you’ve got to put a marquee up under trees expect to clean it immediately afterwards.

    Rain-skirts by their very nature will always get muddy in the rain, these should be given a wipe over on pretty much every job.

    Traffic-film – eventually PVC can have a grey layer build up which is especially difficult to remove. It takes a long time for this to happen (a year or two normally) but at this stage it needs a thorough clean using a chemical. The material also needs irritating (gone over with a brush or similar) to get this off. Once thoroughly cleaned the PVC should be as good as new.

    Tree sap is a nightmare to remove.

    There are also some things that will never come out:

    Petrol/Diesel can stain PVC. This will never come out so avoid them at all costs.

    Ingrained mould – this affects many marquees especially those that are stored when still wet. PVC is made of many layers, if a marquee is put away wet or if cheap PVC is used then water can get inside the layers and create mould which will never come out. Incidentally this is one of the reasons we use better quality 500gsm PVC than available elsewhere, it takes far longer for the layers to break down in better quality PVC.

    Some garden chemicals can stain – I was shown a marquee recently that had green stains around the rain skirt which seemed to have come from a chemical added to the lawn. Click here for more marquee hire advice

  6. Why use Knowall IT? Your Business at your Finger tips

    February 1, 2022 by admin

    Two out three organisations recognise the crucial role that cloud computing plays in the role of their digital transformation. Engaging with cloud computing support is a guaranteed way of decreasing business costs, increasing productivity and out-performing against competitors who are part of the 1/3rd of organisations who are still not yet using the cloud as an integral part of their IT infrastructure.  Cloud computing has revolutionised the face of IT across the globe with its versatility and 24/7 accessibility, enabling organisations of all size, to enjoy the cost saving benefits of 100% online access. If, like 2/3rds of organisations, you want to take your business on a digital transformation journey and embrace the future of technology, Knowall IT Support Soho is the managed business partner, which is equipped to facilitate that transition.

    Cloud computing has been in use almost since the beginning of the history of computers themselves. In the early 2000’s, as the internet developed from travel blogs, brochures and chat rooms into the social and technological giant, global network of communications that it is today as a result of the creation of the internet. Since that time, what first began with the image of a world wide web has developed into what is now referred to the cloud. What is the cloud really? It’s the image that has been given to society to help them to conceptualise the way in which we are able to gain access to hardware and software that is not physically in front of us.

    Simply put, cloud computing is to IT what Uber is to the transportation industry. You need a ride from A to B but you don’t have your own vehicle. You contact Uber and set up someone to collect you and drop you off where you need to be, and you pay the association transportation fee. Similarly, with cloud computing, you pay a fee for the IT infrastructure that you need, when you need it for as long as you need it. It gets your business from A to B, without you having to purchase the whole vehicle. Its available to you at any time, on-demand, without worrying about maintenance, up-keep, running costs or upgrades. Just like Uber, the infrastructure / vehicle is provided to you at the fraction of the cost and you simply pay for what you need, when you need it. While each organisation will experience the benefits differently, the benefits will be experienced immediately as a direct result of having access to the latest servers, applications or operating systems without the mammoth financial commitment on the hardware and software which is required to provide quality IT support.

    Knowall IT Support Paddington is an award-winning IT service provider with the capacity to provide your business with high quality cloud and voice services, ensuring access to high performance computing and communications at the fraction of the cost. For the organisation who has not yet invested in this leading edge technology, contact Knowall  IT Support Kensington for assistance with building your fully customizable, scalable, bespoke IT environment uniquely suited to elevate your business into the future.

  7. Benefits of Rent a Friend / Non-Sexual Escorts

    June 17, 2021 by admin

    It’s fascinating to look back over the last 60 years and see how far the human race has come with the support of information technology. During the timeframe of less than 1 generation, we have moved from the invention of the first supercomputer, in the 1960s, to the 1970’s when the size of computers decreased and the functionality began to significantly gain traction, as computers were already beginning to network and communicate with each other. Into the 1980’s we began to see computers becoming more accessible to small businesses and even some domestic computers through to the 90’s where it became quite a lot more affordable for a lot of households, in the first world particularly, to have a computer with an external modem in the home, with which people were able to communicate via software to other computers on all sides of the world.

    Teenage asian woman drinking coffee while sitting on kitchen counter and working on smart phone in morning at home.

    As we think back, those of us who lived through this incredibly rapid period of growth can almost hardly remember when and how exactly we came across our first social media platform. For some it was Facebook in the latter part of 1990’s. For others it was YouTube and Twitter in the early part of the 00’ies. However, whenever it was for you, no doubt, like many others across this globalised world, information technology and its social media platforms have become an enormous part of your everyday life. Now days you can shop for clothes and household items without leaving your kitchen counter, plan a holiday route from the comfort of your couch, research just about any topic you can think of … and probably some that you would never dream of… all without leaving your chair!

    So, we say to you … Need a date? Are you perhaps looking for a non-sexual companion or female escorts UK? Well look no further than Dukes of Daisy’s wildly popular companion website, which delivers more opportunities than you ever thought possible, in terms of rent-a-friend companions. As with anything available via the internet, you can enjoy the possibility of meeting up with a variety of different types of companions suited to your preference. Whether you are looking for a male escort who enjoys fine dining and the orchestra, or if you prefer the company of a sporty brunette who has a hunger for curries and enjoying a pint down the pub, you are bound to find what you are looking for.

    Constraints from Covid may stop many people from getting out; limiting the chances of meeting new people but there is certainly no reason for anyone to be sitting at home alone when you can enjoy the remote, online company of a companion via the Dukes of Daisy website. No masks required as you connect from the comfort of your own home via the internet. Perhaps you are interested in becoming a rent a friend non-sexual escort yourself. Do not let Covid hold you back from what is certainly one of the most enjoyable, social ways to enjoy the company of others since the invention of the internet and social media!

  8. IBS have the service and product list which will meet your business requirements

    June 15, 2021 by admin

    HomeLooking to significantly improve the pneumatic conveying systems for your business? IBS Industrial Blower Systems can offer you solutions that improve overall efficiency and reduces wear and tear on your equipment. What makes IBS such a success as a business, is the depth and understanding that their engineers have of the countless applications, functions and solutions provided by the products that they sell, service, repair, recondition for basically any production, manufacturing or industrial environment imaginable. At the end of the day, it comes down to excellent service, reliable products and a blend of customer service and practical application at competitive prices and being physically able to provide all of this, all the time.

    While best known for being suppliers of vacuum pumps, blowers and similar equipment such as compressors, those use in the road tanker industry, or rotary valves most commonly in the food industry, IBS has extended their range to include dense conveying equipment and systems to accommodate the needs of industries such as milling, environmental, chemical and building industries. It is fair to say that while the application of dilute phase systems, widely accepted as being more economical and simpler in application, is a limited application when compared to dense phase systems. Where there is a requirement to move a denser product or concentration of fragile, abrasive or friable materials, the dense phase pneumatic system, such as the Gvf impianti range available from IBS, is undoubtedly more efficient. The ability to move bulk product, while preserving the integrity of the product, at low velocity with high pressure, results in higher industrial efficiency, with less wear and tear on the system, reducing the cost of system maintenance.

    Speak to IBS process engineers who can perform a full survey, complete with reports and plans which will provide you with a full choice of relevant and practical options which will assist you in designing the best system, relevant to your business’s needs.

    Over the last decade, the use of dense conveyancing systems and industrial mixing equipment has seen a sharp rise in utilisation in the fast paced FMCG environment, especially due to developments made in this industry resulting from the sharp rise in demand for packaged and pre-prepared goods. In a world that is itself, fast moving, keeping up with consumer demand requires innovation, effectiveness and efficiency. Well-known manufacturers of industrial mixing equipment, Mix srl and Olocco company, consistently meet industry’s demand for products which can sustain the high volumes of materials, with high quality equipment which does not suffer easily from wear and tear.

    IBS has been supporting industry by providing them with reliable new and reconditioned equipment that is the bedrock of the reputation that has sustained IBS over many decades. Variety and application, versatility and consistency are what one comes to expect from IBS, sustained by engineering expertise that combines to create a powerful blend that can be relied upon, not only for new systems but also for the maintenance of existing systems. Site visits can be arranged for surveys and planning related to new projects, or alternatively project engineers are available telephonically to discuss your dense phase pneumatic conveying needs.

  9. 4m x 4m Marquees and Party Tents are very useful and flexible

    June 14, 2021 by admin

    It’s true that DIY Marquees has the largest range of marquees for sale, which is ideal as there is a product for everyone. Visiting the website, you will notice the interactive marquee planner tool, which helps you experiment with the different size marquee. With this too you can test what will fit into the area that you have to work with as well as how you can make simple additions to the plan, to increase the size, join more than 1 party tent, or marquee and which accessories are available. The interactive planner is the first page to visit when you are choosing what type of marquee to buy.

    4x4m peaked commercial diy marquee

    When it comes to the type of marquee would be most suitable, it is good to understand the difference in type of marquee and the materials used. Our 4m marquees range come in 2 different types: party tents and marquees. The term party tent is used around the world to describe a marquee, which is better suited for personal or private use. The material used for the party tent is made from a lighter weight material, typically PE (Polyethylene), a tarpaulin like material that comes in 80 to 240 grams per square meter, (the thicker the material the hardier and heavier it is) , or poly/PVC which consists of PVC however coated on just 1 side of the material and is a good alternative to the more expensive PVC marquees. PE for a party tent is perfect as it’s more economic than a heavy-duty marquee, which are really, only meant for use for commercial purposes. PE is 100% waterproof and its significantly lighter weigh means that it is quicker to erect (see our 4 x 4m pop-up gazebo marquee) making this type of marquee ideal for garden parties, as temporary structures and extensions that you can add to an existing structure.

    4x4m premium diy marquee

    DIY Marquees has seven types of 4 x 4m products in this range, 3 of which are suitable for the private user. For those who are interested in investing in a marquee with extra strength and durability, in the same range of 4 x 4m marquees are commercial and professional options made from PVC instead of PE, which means the integrity of the material, offers more strength for frequent use. The 4 x 4 commercial marquee is also available with a peaked-shaped roof that adds some flare to your standard commercial marquee. Both of these styles are however made with 500gsm PVC and come with a galvanized steel framework made from 42mm thick steel. This is an excellent 3 / 4 season option for any commercial user. (Do not forget to add some cross bracing for extreme weather!)

    DIY Marquees is always creating new options from which users can find the ideal option for them. If you have already experimented with the interactive online planner and have questions for the team about how to optimize your layout, feel free to contact us to help you with ideas. Please call our office on 01306 876767.

  10. Lodge Brothers Probate Legal Services – We will help you !

    June 12, 2021 by admin

    One thing that you can be guaranteed of when you engage with a Lodge Brothers Legal attorney is that you will receive the personal touch. Lodge Brothers Legal Services are affiliated with the Lodge Brothers Funeral Directors family of companies with a unique past. In operation for over 240 years, the Lodge Brothers managed to grow throughout the UK for 8 generations, making them the epitome of the family business. As part of the services offered to their client base which spans the breadth and length of the UK, Lodge Brothers looked to increasing their funeral director services, with that of legal Services specifically related to the needs of the families who came to them, to say goodbye to their loved ones.

    The complimentary services included probate Guildford assistance, drawing up of Wills and preparing Lasting Power of Attorneys. The Lodge Brothers name is one which you will be familiar with and this is because they are placed conveniently across the country, meaning that you and your family may well have already had dealings with them. Lodge Brothers Legal attorneys have followed suit and offer each individual service with the personal touch that you come to expect from the brand.

    If you turn to social media you will notice that there are many competitors in the industry but if you are looking for experts in the field, with an elevated knowledge of probate Ashford, in your local area, then it’s the Lodge Brothers Probate Feltham services that will benefit you’re the most. Being able to meet with your personal attorney face to face makes it easier to have all of your questions answered, and it will be far easier to reach your Probate attorney when the time comes for you that you may need to meet with them face to face. Having a local solicitor gives you peace of mind, knowing that you are able to contact their offices in person, at any time.Lodge Brothers Legal Services Fees Image

    Lodge Brothers probate Shepperton has access to over 40 offices across a vast area in the UK stretching from Surrey, through Middlesex and into Berkshire allowing for face-to-face meetings in all of these areas. Should you prefer to contact your attorney through online options, that is always an equally possible alternative.

    Offering 3 service levels to ensure affordability and adaptability, there is a suitable option for everyone. Chose Bronze level, where the application remains with the appointed Executor of the estate, however our Executors will help to prepare all probate forms and make the application at the probate registry. With the Silver Service level, appointed Executors remain responsible for registering the death with all asset holders. Executors will establish the assets and liabilities at date of death while we complete the probate papers, Inheritance tax forms and apply for the Grant.  Our attorneys will register the death certificate with the asset holders.

    Choosing a Gold level service, Lodge Brothers probate Walton attorneys will ascertain the date of death assets, liabilities of the estate, complete all the probate papers, Inheritance Tax forms and apply for the Grant.

    Lodge Brothers Legal Services is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

    Speak to us today by clicking here